The æternity Blockchain is ready to launch your Zero-Knowledge Proof applications.

25 Jul 2023, 18:08
🔒 The æternity Blockchain is ready to launch your Zero-Knowledge Proof applications! 🚀 With the last Iris protocol upgrade of the æternity Blockchain protocol more crypto primitives for BLS12-381 have been introduced, advancing the adoption of Zero-Knowledge Proofs. 🌐 ZKPs offer privacy, efficiency, perfect for Web3 apps. 💻 Verify transactions without compromising identities. 🔍 🔒 Unveiling the Secrets of Zero-Knowledge Proofs! 🌐 ZKPs have a fascinating history, introduced in 1985 to prove possession or validity of secret information without exposing the actual data. Today, ZKPs play a crucial role in ensuring security & privacy in crypto. Let's explore two prominent types: 🔍 ZK-SNARKs gained attention with projects like Zcash. They efficiently conceal transaction data while ensuring validity. 🚀 💪 ZK-STARKs focus on scalability and transparency, enabling verification without interactive communication. 🌐 🚀🔒 Watch Hans Svensson's talk on cryptography on the æternity protocol: