Exciting news for the æcommunity. The new approved ACF grant aims to revolutionize the management of AENS .

22 Apr 2023, 12:23
Exciting news for the æcommunity! The new approved ACF grant aims to revolutionize the management of AENS .chain names by wrapping them into NFTs, enabling batch transfers, batch updates, and even batch trades. This will undoubtedly enable new use cases and opportunities for the community. However, before the actual development starts, we need your help! Join the discussion on the reward mechanism for extending AENS names, transfers between various NFTs, extension logic and limitations of AENS names wrapped in NFTs, and if AENS owners should be able to pre-fund NFTs with Æ coins and define a reward for extending names in their own NFTs, or if a new AEX-9 token within a DAO tokenomics model could be introduced to reward active users. Your input is invaluable to making this grant a success. Join the conversation at the link below and let's make this project something big! bit.ly/3Hs2xif