Drumroll, please. We have an exciting announcement to make.

26 May 2023, 16:59
📢 Drumroll, please! 🥁 We have an exciting announcement to make. The votes have been tallied, and it's time to reveal the winner of the Community Award for the DAO-Fi Fusion Code Challenge hackathon. 🏆🎉 And the winner of the Community Award is... NeuralDAOs🥇🎊 Congratulations to the team behind this outstanding project! 🌟 The NeuralDAOs team has not only impressed the judges but has also captured the hearts & support of the community. Their innovative approach to building a DAO platform on the Æternity blockchain has garnered widespread appreciation and recognition. 🙌Your contributions have been invaluable in shaping the future of collaboration, DAOs, and DeFi. 👏 Let's give a round of applause to NeuralDAOs for their exceptional achievement & for winning the Community Award. 🔥 Stay tuned for more updates and initiatives as we continue to push the boundaries of blockchain technology together. See the results of the Community Award Vote of the DAO-Fi Fusion Code Challenge on the forum: bit.ly/3BYSeyY